As well as our Services and Meetings, we hold a number of clubs, groups and activities throughout the week. Some of them include:-
Groups, Clubs & Activities
Crafting Companions.
Little Angel Treasures
Bowls Club
Every Thursday between 2pm - 4pm
We meet together with our crafts, ie knitting, card making, crochet, zentangle etc. Relaxed time together to chat, share a coffee or tea and learn new skills. Come along and see.
There is a charge for refreshments.
Our weekday Parent and Baby / Toddler Group called "Little Angel Treasures" runs from 10am until 12 Noon on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This is a fantastic group for pre-school age children to interact and play together as well as a good meeting place for parents to have a tea/coffee etc.
The price is £2 per family
Just pop in on the days above. All our staff are fully DBS Checked to ensure a 100% safe environment.
Every Thursday at Hayes Road Church from 11am-1:30pm come and enjoy a fun game of indoor bowls and meet new people.
Small fee of £1 payable. Tea and Coffee provided free.
Come & have fun, fellowship & exercise with a game of bowls! NOT FOR THE SERIOUS BOWLER, IT'S ALL JUST A BIT OF FUN!
Prayer Meeting
Come and join us on Tuesday nights between 7:30pm and 8:30pm for Prayer and Praise. If you are in need of prayer or wish to pray for others, come along. We have already seen prayers being answered and people blessed.
Cosy Corner.
Healing Centre
Come and join us for a warm relaxed afternoon.
Between 2pm - 4pm on Wednesday.
Tea / Coffee, a chat with friends and a chance to play Board Games
Not at church, private address see monthly newsletter.
Our healing centre is open at Hayes Road Church for Prayer Ministry. Already, we have seen many people saved and a huge amount of healings since the centre opened in late 2015.
Website under construction.
watch this space.
The Healing Centre will be open every Friday between 10am and 12 noon and healing will be provided at the end of our Sunday Services every week. You don't need to book a place, this is a free drop-in service.....For more information please come along to our next centre or telephone the church office on 01255 431290